Lesson #8: Pathway of Balance and Harmony

Balance and Harmony is the eighth Pathway of Spirituality. Balance means an even or equal distribution of elements in your life to produce Harmony. Balance is keeping yourself steady, devoting proportionate amounts of time and energy to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs and expressions. It is bringing order to your life. Only you know the proper proportions to keep your life in balance. Whenever you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, brain weary, or hungry for something other than food, you are out of balance. It is your responsibility to bring yourself back into balance. People today are out of balance in their spiritual life. They are hungry for spirituality, searching for something that will make them feel whole.
Harmony is what flows when you are in balance. Everything seems to go right, and your life is pleasant and happy. You are living in agreement and accord with your inner and outer worlds. Harmony makes you sing and embrace the natural order of the physical world and the natural order of the spiritual world. You are exactly where you are supposed to be doing exactly what you are supposed to do. When you are in this state you want to share this feeling of unity, understanding, and peace with others.
“Harmony is a beautiful balance between mind, body, and soul measured in tender peaceful moments.” – Melani Koulouris
“Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.” – Rumi
“To put everything in balance is good, to put everything in harmony is better.” – Victor Hugo
“Balance is the perfect state of still water. Let that be our model. It remains quiet within and is not disturbed on the surface.” – Unknown
Prayer for Balance
Creator of All Life, if any part of my life is out of balance, I ask your help in bringing me back to my right condition. Keep me on a steady course with spiritual guidance, so that my life will thrive, and I can be of service to others. Thank you for teaching me about the importance of balance. And so, it is. Pau.
Prayer for Harmony
Great Divine Spirit, I am so grateful for the music of life that reminds me to open my heart to flow with harmony and love for all of Creation. When I hear the beautiful music of nature, I know that I, too, am singing a part of the Song of the Earth. May my voice and my music bring harmony to myself and to the world. And so, it is. Pau.
Affirmation for Balance and Harmony
I am a harmonious being, bringing peace and love into the world by keeping my life in perfect balance with mind, heart, and spirit.
Meditation: Walk in Balance
Sit in the quiet and close your eyes. Listen to the songs of the Earth. Notice that each one has its own place. Breathe in the fragrances of the Earth and notice how each one compliments the others. Open your eyes and notice how the colors around you are pleasing and soothing and harmonious. Open your mouth and taste the freshness of the air on your tongue. Everything is in harmony within and without. Anchor this feeling of harmony into your heart and when you are ready to open your eyes. Take this feeling of harmony with you into the rest of your day. Walk in balance and beauty to bring harmony to all.
Spiritual Practices
Week 1 - Balance and Harmony: Making Your Bed. Balance begins with order. Making your bed every morning is symbolic of beginning your day with order so you will be mindful of other things that may put you out of balance. Taking time to tidy up at night before you go to bed is also about balance. You can sleep more peacefully knowing that the world around you is in order. Reflect on what order brings to your life and how you feel more balanced when you have order.
Week 2 - Balance and Harmony: Keeping a Balance Journal. For this week begin on Monday to keep a journal of the times you spend doing physical exercise and taking care of your physical body; praying, meditating and attending spiritual gatherings; reading and researching for your job or hobby; and, when you are feeling emotions of any kind. Also write down how much time you play. Make a note of the time spent on each element of your life. At the end of the week, reflect on any areas that you overdo and create some solutions on how to make your life more balanced. You may want to continue keeping your Balance Journal.
Week 3 - Balance and Harmony: Filling Your Soul with Music. What kind of music do you listen to? Does it feed your Soul? Does it make you feel happy? This practice is to take time every day to listen to music that feeds your Soul. If you don’t know what kind of music that is, go online and search for relaxing and spiritual music. Classical music is said to be the most spiritual music that has been written. Try all these types of music and choose one that speaks to you and takes you away from your everyday life. Write the titles of those songs down so you can find them again and again. You will be filled with harmony every time you listen to them.
Week 4 - Balance and Harmony: Releasing the Old and Embracing the New. Order and Balance create Harmony. Embark on a journey of releasing everything that is not bringing harmony into your life. Look in your closet. Are there items of clothing you are holding onto from the past? Does each item fit you now? Release and recycle those items. Look at your home. Have you been hoarding things from the past? What is broken that needs repair? Clean up shelves and drawers. Discard things that are old and worn out. Recycle things that can bring joy to someone else. Go through your books, your tools, your garage, everything in your life. If you haven’t used it in a year, toss or recycle. Release and bring order, balance and harmony to your new life in the present. Let go of the past and embrace the NOW. Be grateful that you have everything you need in your life right now.