Pathways of Spirituality

This is a course in Spirituality. Each pathway leads you deeper into the center of your being, your spiritual connection with the Great Source of All Life. Each pathway is an aspect of the Divine Spirit to contemplate and meditate upon and then integrate into your life to help you radiate your true expression of the Divine out into the world.
We begin with the premise that we are not human beings with a Soul; we are a Soul having a human experience. We are not what we do, what we say, what we think or what we feel. We are so much more; we are a spiritual being born into this physical world to experience, grow, and transform. We are really beings of Light.
By walking the Pathways of Spirituality, we recognize who we truly are – a spiritual being of Light – our true Self. And we recognize that everyone and everything in all of Creation are also beings of Light.
Each pathway is both an understanding of the mind and an action of the heart infused with the soul. Each pathway is to be explored with heart and mind and soul, walking together in Oneness. These pathways are life changing and become a way of being in this world in a new way.
You may spend as much time on any one pathway as you desire. You may return to a pathway at any time for deeper exploration. Only you know which pathways are important for your growth. We suggest that you spend some time exploring each pathway before returning to the ones that will help you the most on your spiritual journey.
As you walk along the pathway, be mindful of the many opportunities that will come your way to deepen your spiritual understanding of the principles. You will also be given opportunities to use your deeper knowledge to take action to change your life.
The Pathways of Spirituality exist in the dimension of the spiritual realm but they overlay the physical world so you may access them at any time. Every religion and spiritual and moral group teach these Pathways. The words may be different, and they may be presented in a different form, but they are the same concepts of Spirituality.
These Pathways of Spirituality are guides to inspire you to take those first steps or retrace familiar steps to enhance and strengthen your own connection to Your Spiritual Source. It is up to you to add more to your store of spiritual resources as you go along your chosen Pathway. Keeping a journal or a file of inspirational materials will help you remember important teachings and inspire you to further your understanding.
The Pathways
Each Pathway of Spirituality has an explanation of the principles for that Pathway, affirmations, prayers, meditations,* and spiritual practices. These are just the beginning steps, some resources that you can use as you begin to walk the pathway.
Your understanding will unfold for you in unique and wonderful ways as you move forward. The more you are able to use the principles of the Pathway, the deeper your understanding will be and the more you will be able to integrate the principles into your life.
If you sidestep an opportunity or want to pause in your forward movement, that is a choice for you to make. If you are not able to use the principles for an opportunity presented to you, Spirit will simply give you another opportunity. You cannot fail these lessons – only choose to use them, or not use them, at any given time.
These lessons are just basic resources. You are encouraged to add to your own files and inspirational materials as you explore. Sometimes inspiration comes from unusual sources. Be mindful and take notes.
If you have never meditated before, begin by sitting quietly and calming your thoughts and feelings to bring yourself into a peaceful state. Breathe into the calmness for a few minutes and then allow the subject of the suggested meditation to flow into your consciousness breathing it in to your Center of Peace. Be at peace. Meditate for as long as you feel comfortable. Do this at least once a day; twice is better.
Sharing is an important aspect of this Pathways of Spirituality course. Sharing often brings clarity and new insights. Other people can learn from your experiences. You will have opportunities to share on Sundays during the Unity Service and twice a month during the afternoon Zoom Service, and on Wednesdays at Chai Chats. You can also email Rev. Arlyn and she will add your comments to the Heart to Heart newsletter.
More Information
Do you have some extra time that you’d like to do something with? Check out the educational offerings at the Spiritual Awareness Center or click the button below to get more information about the Pathways of Spirituality and learn how to enroll in our classes.
- Lesson #1: The Pathway of Awakening - Start the process of becoming more aware that we are all spiritual beings.
- Lesson #2: The Pathway of Love - Love is the substance and power of the Universe.
- Lesson #3: The Pathway of the Soul - The Soul is the part of you created by God that is eternal.
- Lesson #4: The Pathway of Nature - Nature is the grandeur of the spiritual world.
- Lesson #5: The Pathway of the Heart - We are one: Heart, Mind, and Spirit.
- Lesson #6: The Pathway of the Mind - Ideas and thoughts are directed by the Mind.
- Lesson #7: The Pathway of Freedom and Forgiveness - With Freedom comes the right to Forgive.
- Lesson #8: The Pathway of Balance and Harmony - Evenly distribute the elements of your life to produce Harmony.
- Lesson #9: The Pathway of Peace - Peace begins with each individual.
- Lesson #10: The Pathway of Prosperity and Abundance - Prosperity + Abundance + Contentment = Wholeness.
- Lesson #11: The Pathway of Gratitude - The most powerful spiritual quality.
- Lesson #12: The Pathway of Light - Light is another word for God.
- Lesson #13: The Pathway of Awakening Awareness - Choose to take the journey and listen to your soul's voice.
- Lesson #14: The Pathway of Loving Action - Share and radiate love.
- Lesson #15: Coming Soon - Coming in March 2025.
- Lesson #16: Coming Soon - Coming in April 2025.
- Lesson #17: Coming Soon - Coming in May 2025.
- Lesson #18: Coming Soon - Coming in June 2025.
- Lesson #19: Coming Soon - Coming in July 2025.
- Lesson #20: Coming Soon - Coming in August 2025.
- Lesson #21: Coming Soon - Coming in September 2025.
- Lesson #22: Coming Soon - Coming in October 2025.
- Lesson #23: Coming Soon - Coming in November 2025.
- Lesson #24: Coming Soon - Coming in December 2025.