Lesson #10: Pathway of Prosperity and Abundance

The Pathway of Prosperity and Abundance is a way of living in the world with an optimistic attitude and a feeling of being loved. We were created and set in a beautiful garden of plenty (Mother Earth). That means we were created with everything we need to grow and thrive. If we are not thriving, we may have forgotten that prosperity and abundance are gifts from the Divine Spirit.
Prosperity is an attitude that your life is full of everything you need to sustain yourself in joy and purpose. Abundance is a feeling of ample supply. It is from our prosperity and abundance that we share freely and generously with others. When attitude and feeling merge with a spiritual sense of contentment, you have a true way of living that encompasses relationships, experiences, and personal growth.
Prosperity (Mind) + Abundance (Heart) + Contentment (Spirit) = Wholeness
“The secret to living an abundant life is contentment.” – Paramahansa Yogananda
“Those who consider the whole world as their home, and who really care and work for group or world prosperity…find the individual prosperity that is theirs. This is a sure and secret law.” – Paramahansa Yogananda
“The key to abundance is meeting limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.” – Unknown
“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” – Unknown
“If you have a positive frame of mind, you can manifest positive things in your life.” – Unknown
“See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it.” – Unknown
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney
“To rejoice in the prosperity of another is to partake of it.” – Unknown
Prayer for Prosperity
Creator of All Life, thank you for blessing me with an attitude of joy for living. May I carry my prosperity attitude with me in every thought, word, and deed today. I have everything I need to thrive and grow. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your blessings of prosperity. May I share my prosperity with others with compassion and love. And so, it is. Pau.
Prayer for Abundance
Creator of All That is Seen and Unseen, sometimes I cannot see or feel my abundance, but by faith, I know that I am blessed. I hold up my crystal bowl and know it will be over-filled with an abundance of goodness, joy, and love. As I am filled, so may I fill others by sharing my abundance and my prosperity. And so, it is. Pau.
Affirmation for Prosperity and Abundance
I truly believe that we are here to bless and prosper each other. As I am blessed so do I bless others. I am so grateful for my blessings of prosperity and abundance.
Meditation: Shift Your Mind
Find your quiet space and go to your Center of Peace. Shift your Mind to the thought of Prosperity. Think about all the ways the Divine Spirit provides for all beings. Think about how the Divine Spirit provides everything you need. Feel your heart warming to a feeling of Abundance. Let that feeling grow stronger until it radiates out from you to the world around you. You are blessed with Prosperity and Abundance. Stay with this feeling for as long as you desire. Say a prayer of gratitude and return to the present moment knowing how blessed you are.
Spiritual Practices
Week 1 - Prosperity and Abundance: Be Grateful. Be mindful of when you receive the gifts of Abundance. Keep a record in your Journal of every abundant thing that comes your way. For example, list all the bargains you receive, two for the price of one sales at the store, unexpected income, money you find. Write down your gifts of smiles and hugs. Review your list every day to see how you are blessed with Prosperity. Be grateful for all the good in your life.
Week 2 - Prosperity and Abundance: Reflection. Take some time this week to reflect on what you really want in your life. What would make you feel prosperous? Decide on one thing you wish to have in your life. Write it down as an Affirmation – I now have ______________ and I am so grateful. Envision what your life would be like when you receive your prosperity. Make a Vision Board to help you see pictures of what you desire. Remember what you desire cannot hurt or harm anyone else. Feel the wonderful feelings you have when your dream comes true. And it will!
Week 3 - Prosperity and Abundance: Giveaway Principle. The Giveaway Principle. Giving is an essential part of receiving. Start going through your possessions and select something you know a friend or relative would like to have or be able to use. It might be a favorite book, a piece of jewelry, a picture, a tool, or an item of clothing. Make a date with that person and give them the gift. Or you can purchase something new to give away. When you recycle, you also give for the highest good of all. Make the Giveaway a part of your life. You can also send a donation to your favorite charity or to someone in need.
Week 4 - Prosperity and Abundance: Giving Your Best. Giving Your Best. Be mindful to do your own spiritual practices daily to keep your life uplifted. Follow the guidelines of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual good health to keep you at your Best. Your spiritual practices will bring you to contentment, which is the spiritual feeling of being blessed with richness in your life. Give the world the best you are, and the best will come back to you. Choose joy and contentment.