Lesson #14: Pathway of Loving Action


The Pathway of Loving Action is the fourteenth pathway. Love is why we are here. We are here to learn about Love and put it into expression or action, and to become Love. There is a sacredness in Love in all its forms and expressions. Love is the energy of Life. We are to share and radiate Love out into the world.

The way we share, and radiate Love is through Loving Action – Kindness. Each step on the Pathway of Loving Action gives us an opportunity to practice Kindness.

His Holiness, the Dalai Lama says, “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” Being kind is also a mindfulness’ practice. Paying attention in the present moment to what is going on around us reveals many opportunities to be kind. It is always possible to be kind.

The first way that we can show Loving Action is by smiling. Mother Teresa said, “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of Love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” You never know when a smile will make a difference in someone’s life. If you have nothing else to give, give a smile, it is an act of Kindness and Compassion. Smile when you wake up, smile when you meditate, smile at everyone you meet, smile at yourself in the mirror. Every time to smile, you are adding to the Love in the world.

Loving Action is modeling how to express and radiate Love. Modeling is teaching without words, but by example. We become living examples to ourselves, our family - especially to our children, and to others.

Prayer for Loving Action

Spirit of Love and Life, guide us and open our hearts more fully to express Loving Action. Help us be sensitive to opportunities to be kind, to share, and to be joyful in the sacredness of Love. We desire to be a part of changing the world with kindness and compassion. We smile as we say, “thank you, for Love.” And so, it is. Pau.

Affirmation for Loving Action

I am Love in Action. I practice random acts of loving kindness. I give a loving smile to all I meet.

Meditation: Bringing Heart and Mind Together as One

Loving Action begins with the Self. Ask your Heart Self to join you in this meditation. Go to your Center of Peace and imagine a sacred symbol that represents your Mind Self and a sacred symbol that represents your Heart Self. Now see these two symbols merging with each other and filled with the Light of God’s Love. Hold the symbols together in the Light for as long as you desire breathing in loving energy to both. When you are ready, set the symbols full of Light on your sacred altar in your Center of Peace, knowing that your Heart and Mind are One now and always. Return to the present moment and say a prayer of gratitude.

Spiritual Practices

Week 1 - Loving Action: Acts of Kindness. Make a commitment to do at least three unexpected acts of kindness every day. (You can also choose to set a goal of more than three). Look for opportunities wherever you are. Keep a record of the number of acts of kindness for the entire month.

Week 2 - Loving Action: Be Kind to Yourself. Do an act of kindness for yourself every day this week. Take yourself out for coffee or lunch. Treat yourself to something special you like to do. Watch your favorite movie or listen to your favorite music. Dance and sing with yourself. Feel the Love for you grow stronger.

Week 3 - Loving Action: Sharing Kindness With Nature. Be mindful of opportunities to be kind to Mother Earth and all her children. Clean up a flower bed for spring. Plant some seeds. Pick up trash and litter. Hug a tree. Pet an animal. Feed the birds. What other ways can you show kindness to Mother Earth?

Week 4 - Loving Action: Being Grateful for Kindness Done to You. When someone else does a kind act for you, be sincerely grateful. These kindnesses are from God who uses us to express God’s Love in this physical world. Recognize these acts of kindness, receive them with Love, and acknowledge them with Love. And then pass on a kindness to someone else. Make a new commitment to give and receive Kindness with an open heart and a compassionate mind.