Lesson #13: Pathway of Awakening Awareness

The Pathway of Awakening Awareness is the thirteenth pathway. The Pathways of Spirituality are not linear, they are circular, more precisely, a spiral moving us from one level upward to the next. The next level on the Pathway of Awakening is Awareness. You cannot be forced to walk the Pathways of Spirituality. You choose to take the journey when you listen to your Soul’s voice. It is not an outward journey, but an inward journey of growth and transformation.
Swami Vivekananda said, “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”
Remez Sasson said, “Spirituality is the journey of awakening to our inner light, illuminating the path to love and kindness…Spirituality is the art of seeing the divine in every breath, every being, and every moment.”
The Pathway of Awakening called us to wake up to the Truth about our true self – a spiritual being having a human experience. The Pathway of Awakening Awareness takes us deeper into seeing the Truth, embracing the Truth, and practicing the Truth.
Deepak Chopra says that “you become awareness itself, the omnipresent witness of everything in existence.” Awareness is the art of seeing, with both inner and outer eyes, the Oneness of All That Is. Awareness is also the ability to see when we fall into separateness and the ability to return to harmony and balance.
Awareness is also about joining in the Great Divine Plan to awaken humanity. “If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself, if you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.” – Lao Tzu
Prayer for Awareness
Creator of All That Is Seen and Unseen, open my Heart and Mind so that I may see with the awareness of my Soul what I am meant to perceive about myself and my world. I want to perceive the Oneness of All. I want to perceive the beauty of Spirit in everything. Awaken me to a greater awareness of the One Life. I am so very, very grateful. And so, it is. Pau.
Affirmation for Awareness
I am now aware of the Oneness of all Life. I wake up each day in awe for the beauty of All That Is. I am committed to becoming aware of infinite possibilities and perspectives as I live the Truth of my life.
Meditation: Being Aware
This is a two-part meditation. Sit quietly and calm the mind, the emotions, and the body. Breathe deeply a few times to bring yourself into the Silence. Reach out with your inner senses to perceive that which is around you and become One with all. Stay in this Oneness for a while. Next, take another deep breath and open your eyes and your other senses and perceive that which is around you. Without naming anything, become One with all. Stay in this Oneness for a while. Close your eyes again and feel what you felt with your inner senses merge and blend with what you felt with your outward senses. Affirm: “My inner and my outer world are one.” Stay in the Oneness for as long as you like. When you are finished, take another deep breath and return to the present moment, feeling refreshed and made new. Say a prayer of gratitude for this experience.
Spiritual Practices
Week 1 - Awakening Awareness: Inner and Outer Perspectives. Reflect on what you perceive with your inner senses and what you perceive with your outer senses. Everything in the outer world has an inner meaning. Choose three objects to specifically reflect upon. Write down on a piece of paper a description of the first object from an outer world perspective. Then write down a description of the inner world perspective; the meaning of the object. Do this with the other two objects. Notice that your outer world perspective comes from what you have been taught about the object. Your inner world perspective comes from your own experience and intuition. Keep in your journal and review from time to time.
Week 2 - Awakening Awareness: Awareness in the Present Moment. Often during the day, stop, take a deep breath, and bring your attention and intention into the present moment. Find the quiet spot in the moment. Release what no longer serves you in the moment and embrace what you desire. For example, release anger and embrace love. Remember the Point of Power is in the Present Moment. Be conscious of the power of your awareness to transform your life.
Week 3 - Awakening Awareness: Broadening Your Awareness. Find a quiet place to sit. Be comfortable and relaxed. Close your eyes and remember what is around you, in your immediate vicinity. Say, “I am aware of...” and name the things you just saw. Take a deep breath and extend your inner vision a little further and say, “I am aware of...” and name the things you feel are around you when you extended your inner vision. Continue doing this until you can extend yourself out into the galaxy and then to the Universe, where you say, “I am awareness itself.” Stay there for awhile enjoying the beauty of the Universe. Take another deep breath and begin to return through all your extensions until you feel back where you started. Open your eyes and anchor yourself in this place and time. Sit for a minute feeling your new awareness before returning to your daily life.
Week 4 - Awakening Awareness: Being There. This practice is to be there when other people are talking to you and really listening. Keep your mind focused on what they are saying and what they are feeling. You will gain a new understanding by being aware and being there.
Extra Spiritual Practice - Awakening Awareness: Seeing God in Others. Be mindful everywhere you go that you are seeing, and being aware, that God is in everyone and everything.