Lesson #11: Pathway of Gratitude

The Pathway of Gratitude is the eleventh pathway. Gratitude is a spiritual quality expressed through the way in which you think and act. It is one of the most powerful spiritual qualities because it activates feelings of love and self-worth. Gratitude also exists in three time- spheres – past, present, and future. We feel grateful for things in our past, grateful for things in our present, in this moment, and grateful for good things to come.
Gratitude is both a concept and a feeling. We understand with our minds the importance of appreciation. We can see all the good and kindness and love that has come into our lives. And we can feel the lasting emotion of being thankful. It is a deep emotion unlike any other. Gratitude has a subtle strength that uplifts us to a higher spiritual realm where we are in awe of infinite Good. When we are uplifted in Gratitude, our heart, mind, and soul come together in perfect harmony. Our bodies respond to this upliftment and move toward wholeness.
If you can think of nothing else to do to help yourself, start being grateful for all your blessings. The power of Gratitude will change your life. Recognize the Divine expressing through you and be thankful for the Holy Presence in your life. Acknowledge and accept our worth in the world and give thanks daily for all the Good that comes to you. Be grateful for kindness and be kind to yourself, others, and all of Creation. This is the way to walk the Pathway of Gratitude.
Prayer for Gratitude
Holy Spirit of All Life, as we walk in the world today, open our hearts to the beauty of this season of gratitude and color. Take us by the hand and lead us to the pathway of Thanksgiving and Gratitude.
Affirmation for Gratitude
I am God’s goodness in expression. I am so grateful to share this goodness with the world.
Meditation: Be Grateful for the Silence
Find your quiet space and sit in the serenity of the silence. Be grateful for the silence. Let your heart open to the feeling of Gratitude. Reflect on your greatest gift – the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. Know that all the good in your life comes from this Holy Spirit for each blessing is filled with the presence of the Divine. Reflect on the blessing that you are alive, here on this beautiful blue planet, in a magnificent galaxy, amid the brilliant stars of the Universe. Reflect on how precious you are and let gratitude fill your heart, mind and spirit. Stay in this space for as long as you like. Then take a deep breath and return to the present moment, fully awake and feeling wondrous.
Spiritual Practices
Week 1 - Gratitude: Make a Gratitude Journal. Start your Gratitude Journal for this year. Every morning as you drink your coffee or meditate, write down all the things you have to be grateful for. The next morning, write down different things you are grateful for and continue for the entire month. Notice how your life changes with how much appreciation and gratitude you express. Make writing down your blessings in your Gratitude Journal a daily practice.
Week 2 - Gratitude: Express Self-Gratitude. Before your daily meditation practice, take a few minutes to be grateful for your body. Bring your awareness first to your toes. Thank your toes and all they do for you and bless them. Travel up your body stopping at each part to be grateful and to bless that part. When you reach the top of your head, lift up your eyes to the heavens and be grateful for all of you—mind, heart, spirit, and body. Feel gratitude for your wonderful body.
Week 3 - Gratitude: The Right Time to Be Grateful. Set your mind to an Attitude of Gratitude. Pause often during the day to ask yourself, “What is one thing I am grateful for right now?” You can keep a list if you desire. Affirm your gratitude when something or someone good comes by. Express your gratitude by doing an extra act of kindness every day. Note how being grateful changes your life.
Week 4 - Gratitude: Sharing Gratitude at Thanksgiving. Before your family and friends gather for the Thanksgiving holiday, take some time to reflect on what each member of your family and friends means to you. Write down a special memory that you will share at your Thanksgiving gathering. Let each person know how grateful you are that they are in your life. Or you can write a special thank you letter or card to family members and friends sharing why you are so grateful for them. Write and mail them before Thanksgiving to bring Gratitude into their holiday.
Bonus - Gratitude: Honor People of the Community. Write a letter or card to people in your community who have made a contribution to the life of the community. Reflect on how these people have changed the lives of the people in the community. Write and mail the letters/cards before Thanksgiving.