Lesson #7: Pathway of Freedom and Forgiveness

Freedom and Forgiveness is the seventh Pathway of Spirituality. Freedom is defined as “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” This makes us responsible for our actions, words, and thoughts and how they impact our life. Freedom does not mean you can take away or infringe on anyone else’s freedom. True freedom will not come until every person and being in the world is free to live a full, happy, and successful life, doing no harm.
The freedom to hold and practice a spiritual or religious belief is a gift our founders gave to the future generations of our country. It is our responsibility to ensure it continues. No government or person in power can tell us what to believe or take away our right to believe.
With Freedom comes the right to Forgive. Freedom and forgiveness are connected in a subtle bond. Forgiveness is a spiritual act of the Soul and part of our spiritual growth process. We can’t be totally free until we forgive. Forgiveness erases all the hurt and pain of acting contrary to our Soul, uplifting us to Love and Light. We have the freedom to forgive anyone at any time.
“The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.” – Marianne Williamson
“Forgiveness is just another word for freedom.” – Byron Katie
“Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
Prayer for Freedom
Divine Spirit, Creator of All Life, I am so grateful for my freedom. I am grateful that I can choose my own spiritual beliefs and how I live my life. Make me aware of the preciousness of my freedom so that I may honor the freedom of others. Thank you for making me aware of the importance of freedom every day. And so, it is. Pau.
Prayer for Forgiveness
Creator of All That Is, Seen and Unseen, help me to be mindful of when I step on another’s freedom, so I may live a life of no harm. Help me to forgive what I think has harmed me and help me to ask forgiveness when I have harmed myself or another. Thank you for helping me forgive. And so, it is. Pau.
Affirmation for Freedom
I am free to choose the highest good.
Affirmation for Forgiveness
I choose to forgive and release everything and everyone into God’s Loving Hands.
Meditation: Releasing Tension
Holding onto things in our minds, hearts, and bodies is contrary to feeling free and being able to forgive. Sit quietly and calm the mind and the emotions. Breathe deeply a few times to bring yourself to a relaxed and open state. Direct your mind to the bottom of your feet and consciously relax them, and then go to the tops of your feet and relax them. Focus on your toes and release them one at a time into relaxation. Go through your entire body relaxing each part, even those parts you usually don’t relax like your nails, the hair on your body, your eye lashes and ear lobes. Be creative in relaxing all of you. As you release the tension, release the emotions around that part of your body. Release the thoughts you have about that part of your body. Release and breathe. Release and let go. Do this meditation when you have plenty of time so as not to rush. When you have released your body, your heart, and your mind, take another deep breath and release your Soul into the sacred. Stay in this place until you are ready to return to the present, feeling refreshed in a new way, ready to live freely.
Spiritual Practices
Week 1 - Freedom and Forgiveness: Think. Think about your freedoms and make a list of every one that comes to mind. You have the freedom to breathe fresh air. You have the freedom to drive a car. You have the freedom to marry the person you choose. Reflect on each freedom on your list and be thankful you have the blessing of that freedom.
Week 2 - Freedom and Forgiveness: Mindfulness. Be mindful of when you are infringing on someone else’s freedom. Maybe you turn your music up too loud; step in front of someone to get into a line; think a thought about someone you don’t like; listen to the news about other people’s freedoms being taken away. Think about your responsibility for freedom. Reflect on how you can change to promote freedom for all beings.
Week 3 - Freedom and Forgiveness: Observe. As a spiritually awakened human being, observe the behavior of others around you in a neutral way. When you see someone doing something or saying something that may take away their freedom, see them as a beloved child of God and ask that their hearts be open to forgiveness. When you find yourself behaving or thinking negative thoughts that impact freedom, take a breath and be grateful for your insight. Change your behavior or thoughts to positive expressions of your Soul.
Week 4 - Freedom and Forgiveness: Forgive. Do a Personal Ho’oponopono Service of Forgiveness. Set up your sacred space or personal altar. Add a candle, a bowl of water and a small bowl or saucer with a tiny bit of olive oil. Make a list of people you wish to forgive and place the list on your altar. Begin by lighting your candle. Say a prayer asking for forgiveness for any and all harm you many have done. Say a prayer asking for forgiveness for your family and your ancestors for any harm done by them. End the prayer with “You are forgiven.” Take a few deep breaths and feel forgiveness. Say another prayer for anyone who has done your harm and forgive them. Also pray for your ancestors. Take another few breaths and ask for forgiveness for all those on your list. Symbolically wash your hands representing you are now washed clean and forgiven. Dip your fingers into the olive oil and anoint your own forehead (at the third eye) and the palms of your hands, saying, “I am a Child of Light and I am forgiven in Love.” Be in the quiet for a while and then say a prayer of gratitude that you are forgiven. Close your ceremony by blowing out your candle and seal your forgiveness with pau. (Sealed and sent). Burn your list or bury it as a symbol that all is forgiven.