Lesson #15: Pathway of Soul Wisdom


The Pathway of Soul Wisdom is the fifteenth pathway. Your Soul is eternal. It is the Holy and Sacred Spirit within you. Your Soul is intelligent and is wise beyond knowledge and imagination. The Wisdom of your Soul is always available to you and is your highest resource. It comes as an insight, a nudge in a particular direction, or a new idea. Sometimes the Wisdom comes when you least expect it. Your Soul is always using higher Wisdom to guide and direct you to be the best person you can be and inspires you to live a spiritual and fulfilling life.

Your Soul loves you unconditionally because it is Love expressing through you. Your Soul is who you really are, the continuing part of your existence.

Prayer for Soul Wisdom

O Sacred Spirit of All Life and Creation, may my heart and mind be open to the Wisdom of my Sacred Soul. May I learn to listen and know this precious Wisdom. May I express this sacred Wisdom into the world in my every thought, word, and deed. May my life’s purpose be my Soul’s purpose to bring Love, Compassion, and Kindness into all of Creation. I am so grateful that my Soul is a part of my life. And so, it is. Pau.

Affirmation for Receiving Soul Wisdom

Today I listen to my Soul’s Wisdom. I embrace this loving Wisdom and bring it into my daily living. I open my heart and mind to receiving all the Wisdom I can hold to help me live a life of sacred purpose.

Meditation: Your Soul is Always With You

Sit quietly and calm your mind and emotions. Let your physical body relax and breathe into the silence. Release all the worries and concerns that keep you tied to earthly challenges. Let it all float away. It is unimportant in this moment of serenity. Imagine now a beautiful shining White Dove flying over your head and coming to you with outstretched wings. This is a symbol of your Soul and is always with you. Envision the White Dove landing in front of you with a message from your Soul. It is a message that you need today. Perhaps the White Dove carries a tiny roll of paper in its claws or in its mouth. Or perhaps it whispers in your ear. You reach over and gently remove the roll of paper and open it. Written on the paper or whispered in your ear is the message your Soul has for you today. Whatever the message, it is exactly what you need. Ask your Inner Self to remember this message when you return to the present moment and all the Wisdom that comes with the message. Take another deep breath and see the White Dove ascending to the heavens and flying into the distance until it disappears. It will be back any time you call for a message from your Soul. Continue to breathe in the silence until you are ready to return to the present moment. When you are ready, awaken back to this world feeling wonderful and whole, loved and cherished by your Soul.

Spiritual Practices

Week 1 - Soul Wisdom: Being Mindful of Your Soul's Wisdom. Be mindful all week that your sacred Soul is with you. Envision your Soul being beside you and talking with you. If there is a time that arises and you need some guidance, simply turn to your Soul and ask for advice. Your Soul is always there to guide, inspire, and love you. Make a note in your journal of the times you have received your Soul’s Wisdom. Affirm: My Soul is with me always.

Week 2 - Soul Wisdom: Dreaming Wisdom. It is an old adage that answers come after a good night’s sleep. Before you go to sleep, say a prayer asking for your Soul to give you the wisdom you need in a dream. Go to sleep being grateful that your dreams will give you wise answers. Pay attention to the symbols in your dream as symbols and feelings are the language of your Soul. Write down your dream as soon as you awaken – dreams are flitting memories. Be thankful to your Soul for this Wisdom.

Week 3 - Soul Wisdom: Interpreting the Wisdom of Your Soul. How do you know that you are receiving Wisdom from your Soul? By how you feel. The Wisdom feels unquestionably right and sacred. It’s a deep feeling that is like a “knowing for sure.” Sometimes it comes from within, and sometimes it comes from without. Souls help each other and you may hear the Wisdom from another Soul louder than from your own Soul. You may read about the Wisdom, or see it, or hear it, or feel it. Open your heart and mind to be mindful of all the different ways your Soul’s Wisdom is coming to you.

Week 4 - Soul Wisdom: Finding Your Soul's Wisdom in Nature. We are connected to all of Creation. We feel this more when we are out in Nature. The Sacred Souls of everything in Nature are open to each other and the exchange of soul energy flows naturally between them. Each Soul has its own wisdom and is always willing to share. Trees have powerful Souls. Whenever you feel a need for extra energy and wisdom, go hug a tree. If the tree’s trunk is too large to embrace, put both your palms on the tree and lean in. Set your intention to exchange energy with the tree and open your heart and mind to receiving and giving. Stand in the serenity of this powerful being as long as you wish. Say a prayer of gratitude for the energy and the wisdom of the tree. You can also do this practice by touching a plant or picking up a stone.

Extra Spiritual Practice - Preserving Your Soul's Wisdom. There is so much information floating around in our heads in our modern world that it is often difficult to remember the Wisdom of our Souls. Find a special book that has blank pages. Decorate the cover to inspire you and dedicate this special book to preserving your Soul’s Wisdom. This will become a great resource for you. On the first blank page, write a gratitude prayer for the Wisdom from your Soul that you will record and preserve here. Every time you receive Wisdom from your Soul, make a note of it with the date and a brief description of the circumstances in which you received the message. Also add any special feeling you experienced. Treat this book as sacred. Refer to it often. The answer you are looking for today may have already been revealed to you.