Events and Programs

Events and Special Programs bring us together as a spiritual community. Exchanging information, experiences, thoughts, and feelings is an important part of your spiritual growth. Our community events help us learn to work together and help the people in our greater community. We encourage you to get involved in service to your own community.

Get Our Newsletter

Heart to Heart is your weekly connection to the Spiritual Awareness Center. It is filled with inspirational thoughts, the weekly Spiritual Practice, updates on coming events, announcements, special celebrations, classes, group meetings, and much more. Subscribe to receive weekly updates delivered directly to your email address.

Spiritual Discussion Groups

Spiritual Discussion Groups are designed to empower your spirituality by giving you opportunities to share your spiritual journey, experiences, and wisdom with others. By joining a Spiritual Discussion Group, you commit to exploring new ideas, participate in new practices, and open your mind to new ways of understanding. Everyone’s point of view is honored and appreciated as we learn from each other’s personal spiritual journeys.

Open Heart Drum Circle

The Open Heart Drum Circle is an interactive experience for people of all ages. Join our drum circle and experience a release of tension and a return to peace and harmony.

Spirituality Videos

Spirituality Videos are lessons about spirituality and practices, foundational principles behind spirituality, and some of the practices that can change your life such as prayer and meditation. These videos let you learn at your own pace and time.

Peace Pole Project

Peace Poles are universal symbols of peace. There are over 200,000 peace poles in over 158 countries worldwide. The Spiritual Awareness Center is working on a project to install 100 Peace Poles as our contribution to the peace effort. Put one in your yard or town and become part of the 100 Peace Pole Project.