Spiritual Practice and Prayer

Spiritual Practices help bring us closer to God through prayer, self-discipline, and acts of charity.

Creating Space for God: The purpose of this spiritual practice is to create space for God in your life and to bring your whole self to this sacred space.

  • Set a regular time each morning and evening to stand or sit in a quiet place for 3-5 minutes.
  • During this time, breathe easily and gently, easing into harmony with your body.
  • Relax into the quiet and let your emotions and thoughts float away until you dissolve into peace and your whole self is in this sacred space.
  • Imagine you are standing in a beautiful garden and you feel the Presence of God beside you. Stay in the Presence of God, breathing in God's Love and Peace, for as long as you can.
  • When the image fades, allow it to dissolve back into peace.
  • Extend your arms to your sides. Lift them up over your head with your hands in prayer position. Take a deep breath and slowly bring your praying hands down from the top of your head down in front of your face, down to your heart. This brings you into alignment; soul-mind-heart-body.
  • Say a prayer of gratitude for your blessings and end with Pau.
  • Read some inspirational thoughts or affirmations every day. Give to a charity of your choosing.

    May the Heavenly Spirit inspire and enliven all your spiritual practices.