Spiritual Practice and Prayer

Spiritual Practices help bring us closer to God through prayer, self-discipline, and acts of charity.
Creating Space for God: The purpose of this spiritual practice is to create space for God in your life and to bring your whole self to this sacred space.
- Set a regular time each morning and evening to stand or sit in a quiet place for 3-5 minutes.
- During this time, breathe easily and gently, easing into harmony with your body.
- Relax into the quiet and let your emotions and thoughts float away until you dissolve into peace and your whole self is in this sacred space.
- Imagine you are standing in a beautiful garden and you feel the Presence of God beside you. Stay in the Presence of God, breathing in God’s Love and Peace, for as long as you can.
- When the image fades, allow it to dissolve back into peace.
- Extend your arms to your sides. Lift them up over your head with your hands in prayer position. Take a deep breath and slowly bring your praying hands down from the top of your head down in front of your face, down to your heart. This brings you into alignment; soul-mind-heart-body.
- Say a prayer of gratitude for your blessings and end with Pau.
Strengthening Your Affirmations
When writing your affirmation, write them three times using three different perspectives. These perspectives bring three different levels of energies to your words and balance the power.
- “I” = Mind Energy
- “You” = Heart Energy
- “Your Name” = Soul Energy
For Example:
I am perfect, whole, and complete (Mind)
You are perfect, whole, and complete. (Heart)
(Your Name) is perfect, whole, and complete. (Soul)
Read some inspirational thoughts or affirmations every day. Give to a charity of your choosing.
May the Heavenly Spirit inspire and enliven all your spiritual practices.