About the Spiritual Awareness Center

The Spiritual Awareness Center was founded in 2005 by a group of visionary people who wanted to establish and be a part of an accepting and affirming spiritual community, one that welcomes all people seeking a way to discover and express their spirituality. They wanted to move beyond religious doctrine to explore spirituality, recognizing that we are fundamentally spiritual beings seeking ways to express the Divine Spirit within. All religions and spiritual paths would be honored.
Since the founding of the Spiritual Awareness Center, the members have continued to follow the vision of a spiritual community, learning, growing, and exploring what it means to live a spiritual life.
The visionary founders of the Spiritual Awareness Center wanted to focus time, energy, and financial resources on providing opportunities for spiritual growth rather than on building and maintaining a sanctuary. Many of these founders are still active members.
They found space to gather on Sundays at a local community building in the middle of a city park and have been meeting there for the past 17 years. The space has also allowed SAC to host classes and community events.
A seven-member volunteer Council oversees the business of the community. Council Members are elected yearly by the members and serve for three-year terms. They meet monthly and are the caretakers and visionaries of our spiritual community. Our ministers serve as advisors to the Council.
The Spiritual Development Institute, the school of the Spiritual Awareness Center, was established to offer more advanced spiritual education and train people to become spiritual ministers.
Today, the Spiritual Awareness Center has grown to encompass people from all faiths and is now expanding through online technology to welcome more spiritual seekers worldwide through online programs and videos.
Click the button below if you are interested in establishing a spiritual center in your community as part of the Spiritual Awareness Global Communities network.