
Meditation is a universal practice in the East and is known by other names in the West: Contemplation, Mindfulness, Quiet Time. The benefits of meditation include improving the immune system, lowering stress levels, and increasing good health. If you haven’t tried meditation, now is the time to get started as part of your daily spiritual practice. You will be amazed at the benefits you will receive, and it is easy to do.
Two 20-minute sessions a day are recommended, morning and evening. However, any time spent in meditation is beneficial. It is best to meditate sitting in a chair that will hold you comfortably straight. Put your chair in a quiet and peaceful place. Turn off your cell phone. Light a candle if you choose. Close your eyes and begin breathing deeply and easily. Let your body set the rhythm. When you are calm and at peace, begin your chosen meditation practice for the day or use one of the following.
Basic Meditation Practice: Follow the breath. As you become quiet and relaxed, let your mind clear, and your emotions calm. Become mindful only of your breath. Take deep regular breaths letting your body set the rhythm. Begin counting your outbreath from 1-10. Then start over again. If you lose count because your mind wanders, simply bring your attention back to your breath and start the count over. Gently use your five senses to experience the peace that your breath brings. When your meditation time is over, give thanks to your Inner Self for helping you gain peace and to your Higher Self for inspiration and healing.
New January Meditation (Seeing With Fresh Eyes): Calm yourself with a few deep breaths. Release everything except this moment and this time. Be in the moment with no memories of anything. Imagine you are just born and are opening your eyes for the first time. Slowly open your eyes so that only a little light comes through your eyelashes. Notice that all you can see is the light. Open your eyes a little more and note how things begin to take form. Don’t name them, just observe them. Open your eyes all the way and see everything around you with your new eyes. Turn your head and look at everything around you. Do this light practice when you are “in the dark” about someone or some situation. When you are ready, take a few more deep breaths and return to your present moment, remembering how it feels to be able to see the light and your life in a new way. Be grateful for the light in your life.
New February Meditation (Dipping Your Heart Into the Heart of God): Go to your Center of Peace by relaxing and taking a few deep breaths as you calm yourself into a meditative state. Envision you are sitting or standing before the Heart of God spread out in front of you. Bending right, dip your heart into the Heart of God and say, “I am Love.” Bending left, dipping your heart into the Heart of God and say, “You Are Love.” Bending forward, dipping your heart into the Heart of God, say, “We are Love.” Repeat this meditative movement saying the words for as long as it is comfortable for you. Hold the feeling in your body and remember you are always in the Heart of God. Carry this feeling with you for the rest of the day. Note: This is a great practice to do with a group of people standing in a circle holding hands. [Based on a Sufi Prayer Practice.]
New March Meditation (Soul Reunion): Breathe into your meditative space and go to your Center of Peace. Continue to breathe deeply until you reach a state of complete serenity. Remember that you exist in three levels – heart, mind, and soul. Quiet your mind and open your heart and feel the peace of your existence. In this peace a light flickers and grows stronger. It is the symbol of your soul, always present in your life. Allow the light of your soul to merge with the feeling of peace of your heart and mind. Let this combined energy of heart, mind, and soul grow even stronger until it fills your entire body from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. Take a deep breath and open your crown chakra and let this light burst out into the world. Continue sharing your light for as long as you want. When you are ready, close your crown chakra and return to your Center of Peace. Thank your soul for reuniting with you in this powerful way. Thank your heart and mind for coming together in peace. When you are ready, open your eyes and hold onto the feeling of wholeness as you return to your daily activities.